Thursday, December 02, 2010

Noah, movin' on!

Noah got his arrow of light last June, but our ward doesn't have scouts in the summer because they are heavily involved with the pageant so he didn't get this till September. He has to answer questions as he climbs each rung.

When he got to the top, his arrow was there!
The colors all have a special meaning...No, I have no clue as to what!

Then Noah had his crossover ceremony to welcome him into the boyscout program...that he had already been going to since May..... Oh well, better late than never!
Okay, so this actually happened several months ago. At least I posted it!


Julie Vaisey said...

Congratulations, Noah!!!

Jamie said...

Congrats to Noah! Better late than never. :)

Jill, Kenny, Aiden and Capri said...

Hello, I got your comment (I'm the one with the adopted kids:)
I may have some advice if you have questions, and am happy to answer any that you might have. I don't know of any specific agencies in your area, but I do recommend going through an agency. If want, e-mail me at and I can go into mare detail for you. Good luck!