Monday, April 14, 2008


The big day!!! It was so very beautiful! It went off without a hitch! Here are some photos.
Here are the bridesmaids with a little bit of Clifford in the back!

Three lovely bridesmaids. Elise, Holly and Becky.

Who the heck are these old people!!!?? When did I get old!?

The tables were beautiful! We had tulips on all the tables. Here there are on my table two days later.(Thanks to Trisha Cox for the flowers!)

Here's the whole family at the temple.

Here are the kids and the wedding couple!

Beautiful cake! Stacy, Natalie's co-worker made this cake along with her mom! Lovely.(She is the same lady who made the shower cake).

This is Natalie dancing with her brother, Taylor .

Here Here is Natalie's Bouquet. It was quite lovely also.

Here is Nicky doing hair and make-up for the big day. She and Elise had a very busy morning getting everyone perfect. That is Holly with all the curls.

Here are the three boys! Cute!

Here they are with Grandma Arlene!

Here are Natalie and Jeremy coming out the temple. They looked so twitter-pated the entire day. It was very sweet.It was such an awesome day. Everything was wonderful. We had a DJ, Brother Sykes, who did a great job! We booked him for the next five weddings(Cliff, Elise, Taylor Holly and Noah!) If you are looking for someone to make your wedding/bar mitzvah/anniversary's, or whatever, come alive, I highly recommend him.
Thanks to everyone who helped, especially all of Natalie's friends,the sister missionarires who helped served and a big thanks to those who helped clean up. Many hands make short work.
I grateful to have the gospel in my life. This definitely made the day even more beautiful. I felt the tender feelings of the Lord as we went through the entire process of this day. "If you can get a young woman married in the temple you can SAVE generations"...President Benson said this, and I felt it testified to me as I stood in a very sacred place when Natalie took out her endowments. I'm very grateful that she made this choice in her life.


Anonymous said...

Wow.. you guys all look great! I'm glad to hear things went so well. The cakes are amazing! Congratulations!!


Heather said...


Jamie said...

I love all the pictures! I looks like it was such a beautiful day. Natalie looks beautiful. You and Don don't look old, you look great. =D What a beautiful day and a beautiful place. I'm so happy for you guys!

Erin said...

I've been dying to see the wedding pictures, so it's a good thing you finally posted them! The suspense was KILLING me!!! Everyone looked beautiful!

Rachael Case said...

Everything really was so beautiful! They were so cute. We used DJ Sykes too and loved him! He made the reception perfect.