Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight....sucked and not in a good way

I hated this movie. Bella and Edward were not in love in this...they were in PAIN. It was ridiculous! Not to mention that these two actors can not act. Maybe if you were making a movie about two people dying a slow painful death, you should hire these two.
AND Alice was BORING! Alice is not boring in the books.
The only redeeming quality about the movie... THE BOOKS. I hated this movie...did I say that already?
The directing was SICK. The college that gave her a degree in directing should be sued..if she ever got one. She did a truly awful job.
And the screenplay writer...........for crying out loud,lady, you had the BOOKS, how could you possibly have screwed this up.
If I had to sum up this movie in one word...a huge yawn would be my reaction, it doesn't even get a real word, just an action.myspace layouts

I kept thinking it would get better, but it never did.
To be fair, I have never been a big fan of the Harry Potter adaptions either,but I never HATED THEM..well, maybe the third one;} But even that total rip off was better than this.
I'm sorry Stephenie Meyer. Sorry about they way they massacred your book, sorry about the way they massacred your characters and I'm sorry I will NOT buy this movie. It's a good thing you made your $$$$$$$$$ with the books.
Well, I feel much better now!myspace layout codes


We Three Queens said...

So let me make sure I understand this. You didn't enjoy this movie? You thought the actors did a poor job acting? The director's college could have taught her better? The screen writer probably hadn't read the book and butchered the story? You won't waste your money on the DVD? You really thought the movie SUCKED??? I just wanted to be sure I was getting the message that you hated this movie. I wasn't quite sure when I read the blog. heheehhehehehehehehheheehehehe!!! Be more subtle the next time. heehehhehehhheeehehe

Jamie said...

I didn't think the movie was as bad as I thought it was going to be, so maybe going into it with low expectations was a good idea? The screenplay definitely did suck and I didn't like Edward's shifty eyes.