Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Natalie graduated!!

Natalie graduated from Nursing school as an RN on Thursday, December 18!! She has been an LPN for several years and decided to go back for her RN. She did very well, receiving all A's in throughout program. We are very proud of her. The pictures are terrible! If someone else got better ones I'll add them later.

Can you pick her out of this photo!!!


Rachael said...

Congratulations Natalie! I am so excited for you. And I'm quite looking forward to this very soon for myself! Natalie is going to make the best RN.

Jamie said...

congratulations Natalie! That is such an accomplishment, especially as a newlywed. Way to go on all A's.
(She must have had a great teacher growing up. :)

Bev said...

Congratulations Natalie! If you are ever in Vegas, come and visit. Love, Uncle Martin & Aunt Bev