Saturday, January 10, 2009

Another feasting day

I put out another tray of bird seed..."If you feed them, they will come"!!
At one point there was 15ish birds eating around the bucket, however i have learned that birds are camera shy!
This is a "Nut Hatch...I think!

This is a Blue jay...obviously. It landed a couple of times, but it would not stick around for a photo-op no matter how long I waited. Here he/she(?)is in the tree. They are HUGE, BTW!


Anonymous said...

You are a Nut Hatch!!!!!

April said...

Oh yea, I remember how much you love birds! Just don't get them to close to the fan!

katie said...

Hey Sherry,
Sure, you can link to mine, I'll put yours on mine too.
Cute birds!