Thursday, January 08, 2009

I put out some bird seed and suddenly there was a Cardinal/ Morning Dove convention. We had four Morning Doves and six Cardinals (male and female). A few moments later some "odds and ends" birds joined...good news travels fast.

This is my special effects shot!


Rachael Case said...

I love your pictures of the birds, especially the first one!

Jamie said...

Wow, that is awesome! I bet it was so much fun to watch. I bought some bird seed once and didn't have super effects like that. The cardinal is beautiful.

Mommy said...

Hi Sherry, I finally got around to visiting your blog. I reread your Christmas Letter and had to stop and take a breath for you. Wow, lady. Do you ever stop running? I am impressed with your new book. How did you find a publisher? BTW I love the bird photos. My mom would love them so I'll tell her to peek too. I blog with my kidlets mostly so my blogging name is Mommy. Love and Stuff, Minon