Monday, March 23, 2009

This is the last time... promise!

(THIS IS A PLAYFUL REBUTTAL to my friend's daughter's blog;)

Okay, this is the LAST Twilight spoof I'll post...promise-besides New Moon will be out soon and I will post those spoofs instead;}-
Anyway! I saw this on my friend's daughter's blog
(her blog post).
She had an entire post on how STUPID the BOOKS were........Sorry, but I beg to differ. The Twilight books were FUN and EXCITING, and yes FAKE! Come on, A perfect man!!! There is no such thing,(my hubby comes close though. I had to add that incase he ever read my blog:}}})! It's a complete myth and that is the real reason Twilight is fun to read.... a girl can dream, right;}
MOST romance novels are ridiculous, it's a fact. We don't read mushy romance novels to get a taste of reality, we live with reality. Did Bella fall in love too fast? Heck yeah, but you have to move the story along, if she didn't fall in "love" until page 234, no one would have know because no one would have finished reading the book.
My friend's daughter accurately noted that Bella was argument there. I think Kristen Stewart- the girl who plays Bella in the horrible movie version of Twilight--and you ALL know how much I loved the movie---NOT!--is the perfect girl to cast as Bella...she, also, is completely unlikeable. *Note: Click here formy movie review from November if you are really bored and have no me.
It's just a book-well, four actually, and it is a fun way to spend a lazy afternoon. And the spoof below is funny, though the ending was a little weak...but several thought Breaking dawn ended weakly, so...


Mommy said...

I will still agree with my daughter and my husband. I just don't wanna read them. I would rather be an OUtsider. Spooky, I know.

Heather said...

All in good fun :)