Sunday, May 24, 2009

Baby Owl

This is why I love living in New York! Noah found a baby owl in our back yard. It wouldn't/couldn't fly away, so I did what every nerd does when confronted by a cute baby owl in their back yard! I videotaped it;}} Please ignore my daughter's rude remark in the beginning...can you feel the sibling love?

Relax, I didn't hurt it.... I wanted it to expand it wings, though it didn't give me a rather indignant look with it's yellow eyes when I gave it the stick wedgie.
I went back later and it was gone. Hopefully, mommy bird came for him. Noah found a baby squirrel a few years ago also(see previous post on squirrels... ... He is a magnet for lost baby animals!


Jamie said...

I couldn't watch the said I needed a friend request? Can I be your friend? :)

Mommy said...

So cute. I love animals. Except when they invade my space.