Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm an aunt again!

My brother John and his wife just had their first child, They named him Blake Oliver (my Bros. middle name is Oliver),and they call him Bo

This is my brother's first child(he's 47) and they were pretty excited. As soon as I found out the gritty details(weight, height) I'll post it--I'm quite sure you'll all be on pins and needles waiting until then ;}

OKAY!! The wait is over! Blake Oliver (Bo) was born on May 27 at 6:15 AM. He was a whopping 7lbs 8 oz and 20 inches.'
Whopping was my brother's exact word....try 9 your smallest!!! and 10.5 as my largest, now that's WHOPPING!


Mommy said...

He is so precious. I am so happy for them, Aunty Sherrie. He is the same size ave. as mine were. How long has your bro been married and trying for a baby? Congratulations!

Jamie said...

That is the exact same size as Harrison!
Congratulations! I'm sure that is so exciting!

Rachael Case said...

Congratulations! Very cute baby.
Sounds like you and my mom have something in common, her baby's were all between 9 and 11 1/2lbs!