Friday, October 16, 2009

Review: The Invention of Lying

I've been to MANY movies, some good, some not so good. Some spectacular, some disgusting. 'The Invention of Lying' goes beyond disgusting. The previews lead you to believe it is a funny lighthearted movie about, well, the invention of lying....This is soooo wrong. It is a complete and utter attempt to smear God and Religion. They mock God as an invention of the main character, MARK,(the only person in the world who can lie)to give his dying mother comfort. Someone overhears his LIE and spreads the word to the entire world.
The movie now takes on a serious tone and everything gets out of hand with people wanting answers to life's questions. They receive these answers from MARK who is the one person who gets to speak to the "man in the sky."
Questions like: Did he give my mom cancer? Yes! Did he cause a Tsunami and kill all those people? Yes... but don't worry...everyone gets a mansion in heaven!!
At one point MARK is dressed as Jesus...totally by "accident" naturally. The ten "rules" given to him by the "Man in the sky" are pasted onto two Pizza boxes-think ten commandments.
By the way,I was very surprised to see Jennifer Garner as the female lead. I HAD a lot of respect for her....:{
This was not some silly farce on religion, this was a out and out attack by the main star (who co-wrote this) on God and everyone who believes. I wish I could have gotten my money back. The only reason we stayed for the whole movie was because I was sure they would SAVE the movie in the end somehow....boy was I wrong!
Finally MARK admits he lied; then peace is restored.
Imagine if someone were to make a movie using this same type of "Slam" about Gays. I wish I could have gotten my $$$$ back!

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