Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ode to DOG

No matter how lousy my day, No matter how worthless I allow the world to make me feel, coming home to my dog always brightens my heart!
Daisy May dances around with utter joy every time I walk though my door. She doesn't care how fat I look, or that I screw-up most everything I do/try, she still loves me. She can't wait to smother me in doggy kisses, and curl up at my feet when I collapse onto the couch after the world has slapped me back ... yet again.

God was definitely in a good mood the day he created DOG!


Natalie and Jeremy said...

IS THIS MY MOTHER??? The mother who spent years hating dogs, and people who love their dogs???? The same mother who mocked "PD-ers" for having a statue of their dead dog??? WHo are you and what have you done with my mother?

We Three Queens said...

What a sweet post. I couldn't agree with you more. I can't imagine life without Samantha. Yes there are days when she gets herself into "trouble" but she's still the most loving and forgiving joy in my life. Thanks for reminding me of that!

Donsher said...

Yes, I do make fun of OBSESSED people who treat their dogs like children. I mean, come on, your dog dies so you have a life size bronze statute made and set it on a podium in you living room!!!!!!!!!!! I DO love my Daisy May, she is a great DOG!! and yes, she is just a dog. I love my children more...especially the ones how don't mock my love of Daisy because daisy never mocks me!

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