Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One of the many reason why I Heart NY

Wild life! We have it in abundance!! These were taken in my back yardWoody Woodpecker!

A baby squirral! We nursed it for a few days, but it died. It was very sad. He/she(?)was the sweetest little thing. We would put it up on our shoulder and it would climb all around us, even on our head

We always have deer. They love the fruit trees...forget about growing a garden. Between these deer and the abundant rabbit population, it ain't gonna happen. That is a down side.
But the abundant bird population is awesome!

Baby owl. He didn't like us AT ALL! He kept clicking his/her very sharp beak at us.

Wild Turkey. After I took this photo, I had a wild craving for stuffing and pumpkin pie ;}

The swan wasn't taken in our backyard, of course. But it was at the lake, which is only 15 minutes away.

Okay, this is not my picture! But there are also other animals that wander through the yard that I haven't been able to get photos of, like ground hogs,fox,raccoon,possum, and more. Love it here!!

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