Wednesday, August 25, 2010

27 stitches later!

27 stitches! got them out today...ouch! This pic is a before shot, it doesn't look much different now so i didn't bother getting a new pic. i still can't wash it...gross!
I'm starting to get feeling back, i was surprised it happened already. the Dr. said it should take one month! i thought it would be much long. I'm glad there is a light at the end of this painful tunnel. Speaking of pain..i start physical therapy in three weeks:{{{{


Julie Vaisey said...

You are lucky you have those dang fingers still on your hand. Egads!!! How's the pain? Thanks for the visual.

Jamie said...

Your poor, poor fingers and hands!!! :( Wished I lived closer to bring you dinner or something!!

Heather said...

Oh my gosh! That just looks so painful. At least you are in good spirits. :) I told Brian about it and he said "does she still have a hand left" and then made some reference to it being a dumb mistake and I rattled off numerous STUPID things he has done. He conceited that being judgmental is not the way to go :) We love you and hope the feeling comes back!
