Monday, August 30, 2010

Amazing, yet sad at the same time.

As you know, we sold our old home a couple of months ago,(Thank you,God)
 And bought this one. It is in a nicer area, and it is somewhat bigger...maybe 400 square feet. We are stunned at the way we are being treated. Don't get me wrong, we were never treated poorly in the old house, but weren't treated this nicely either.
Since moving here, we have had several businesses try and woo us into using their services. Everything from free dinners, to free oil changes. It is amazing.  Even the garbage service is better. In the old house, the garbage collection people were..well.. slobs! If they made a mess picking up our was OUR problem, and we had to clean it up. Not here..there are NO messes. This morning the garbage man KNOCKED on my door, bright and early, to see if the blue barrels we'd set out to the curb were meant to be used as garbage cans, or did we intend for them to be taken away with the rest of the trash. THEN he apologized for disturbing me! At the old place, the garbage man would just take any containers they thought we didn't want any more OR would leave, week after week, containers we wanted to be removed!
 In the old neighborhood, the men always looked grease, and rather scary. The man who came to my door today, was a polite, clean cut gentleman with really nice manners. And the weird thing is, we used the same garbage disposal service in both neighborhoods.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but it's like I said, Amazing, yet sad at the same time.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm so happy that things are much better in the new house. It is so cute, we can't wait to see it!