Monday, August 16, 2010

hand update!

sorry about the lack of capital letters, i'm typing one handed!

Okay. It turns out i severed 5 of the 6 nerves. the pointer finger had one nerve severed, and the middle had 2. each had conduit placed on the nerve ends and sometime (I have no idea when) feeling will return. the 2 nerves in the end of my ring finger couldn't be fixed.  Don't really have a problem with that, it is probably the least important finger when it comes to feeling/sensation. if it had been my pointer finger, i would have a hard time picking my nose, and if it were my middle finger, i would probably go around flipping the bird and not even know it, but the tendon was nicked on the middle finger so who knows, i still may;}}}

The surgery- was easy...i slept through it. i did want to watch, I'm weird like that, but they wouldn't let me. The first 24 hours after was SICK! i was in a lot of pain. i wanted to hack saw my hand off...but that wouldn't work, if you think about it! i was on Vicodin for the first 36 hours...........horrible stuff. Weird dreams, constant drowsiness, SEVERE motion sickness, nausea and what follows nausea. (i didn't want to say vomit in case someone reading this has a delicate stomach). now i'm on ibuprofen. doesn't do much for pain, but at least i'm not crazy anymore...well, no more than usual.  I get the bandages off thursday and hopefully i can get back to my unpacking!!! or maybe i'll milk this thing out and let the family finish unpacking!!!


Jamie said...

Can we come sign your cast/bandage? Milk it and make everyone else unpack! j/k. We are so sorry about your fingers and hope you heal quickly!
From what I can see, your new house looks really nice!

Dad said...

Holy cow, Sherry. I just told Minon about this. You're in our thoughts and prayers! -Tom

Cristi said...

yuck!!!!! I am glad it is healing alright! Miss you guys and tell your daughter to answer her phone lol