Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh Obama!

A photo-op over the Manhattan skyline that sent thousands of New Yorkers running for their lives has officials in Washington, D.C., running for cover.

Many New Yorkers on Tuesday were asking what the Obama administration could have been thinking when it authorized an Air Force One backup plane to fly over the city for photos capturing the presidential plane with the Statue of Liberty in the background.

The 747 plane, with an F-16 escort following close behind, circled the Statue of Liberty and the skyline near the World Trade Center site for about a half-hour. Offices were evacuated. Emergency call centers were inundated. Witnesses reported that the planes were flying dangerously low.

OKAY! Am I the only one here who thinks this is just a TAD hypocritical???? We are TOLD to 'tighten our belts in these tough economic times' and to REDUCE our CARBON OUTPUT to help with Global(FAKE)Cooling, and the president is flying SEVERAL planes around to TAKE A PRETTY PICTURE. This is a prime example why SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM will NEVER work!

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