Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Superman:Ride of Steel

Every year, Don buys amusement park passes for him, Holly and Noah.( I get sick on the rides so I never go!) Poor Noah has never been able to ride the SUPERMAN: Ride of Steel...until today!! I got a phone call while they were at the park from Noah. He was SOOOOO excited and couldn't wait to tell me. I asked if it was scary...he said no way!

Here are the stats: Ride of Steel
One of the tallest coasters east of the Mississippi, climbing approximately 208 feet and reaching speeds in excess of 70 mph. Must be 54" or taller. Guests who are 76" and above or with certain body proportions may not be able to ride.
Hurray!!! (I get sick just reading about it!)

1 comment:

Mommy said...

AAAHHHH! No thanks. I would find a reason to stay home too Sherrie.